Entrepreneur Magazine Top 500 Franchises for 2017: Labor Finders Rises to the Occasion
CONTACT: Celina Klee
Labor Finders International, Inc.
- Labor Finders: WinsInavero'sBest of StaffingFor EightConsecutive Years: 2010 - 2017
- Labor Finders: Recipient of the Exclusive Diamond Award fromBest of Staffing
- Labor Finders: Rated Higher Than The Industry Average
- Labor Finders: Respect, Appreciation and Safety
PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL- Labor Finders,the country's oldest and largest privately held industrial laborstaffing and a franchise company in the United States ispleased to announce that the company has been ranked in the EntrepreneurMagazine 38th Annual Franchise500® list.
"I am delighted that Labor Finders has been recognizedbyEntrepreneur Magazinealongside these outstanding franchisecompanies. I am extremely proud of our numerous franchisees and Iam grateful for their on-going dedication. I am also pleased thatwe continue to place just over 20,000 people to work every singleday. This honor becomes even sweeter because Labor Finderswas just recognized for Inavero's Best of Staffing® Clientcompetition presented by CareerBuilder for eight consecutive yearssince its inception in 2010. In 2014, Labor Finders secured theexclusive Best of Staffing® Diamond Award after achieving fiveconsecutive wins," stated Jonathan Klorfein, CSP, Director ofClient Services, of Labor Finders International.
The vetting and the ranking process forEntrepreneur's Franchise500 Listbegan back in July 2016, when Entrepreneur askedfranchisors to fill out their online form and submit a copy oftheir full current Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD). "A whopping988 companies supplied the required information and theirsubmissions were vetted by our editorial team before being enteredfor data analysis. Some key factors that go into our evaluation:Costs & Fees, Size & Growth, Support, Brand Strength andFinancial Strength & Stability.
To be eligible forEntrepreneur's Franchise 500 List, afranchisor must have had a minimum of 10 units open and operatingas of July 31, 2016, with at least one franchise located in eitherthe U.S. or Canada. The company must also be seeking newfranchisees in the U.S. or Canada. It could not be in Chapter 11bankruptcy proceedings. Once eligible, each company was then scoredbased on more than 150 data points, and the 500 companies with thehighest cumulative scores became the Franchise 500. Labor Findersplaced an impressive #136 on the 500 list," stated EntrepreneurMedia.