
Illegal Immigrant Workers Negative Effects on the Economy

January 23, 2013

CONTACT: Celina Klee
Labor Finders International, Inc.

PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL- TheAmerican public needs to know the negative effects of undocumentedlaborers working in the United States. These undocumented workersare also referred to as "Black market workers" do not pay taxes nordo they carry workers compensation insurance.

Dan Shube, Director of Marketing, for Labor FindersInternational, said, "This great country of ours was built on thesweat of a diverse workforce. Throughout the years, millions ofpeople have come to America to live and work to make a better lifeand the majority of them are legal to work in the United States."These hard working people, (a majority of them are temporaryworkers) pay taxes and have workers compensation, which they getthrough their employer like Labor Finders.

Arizona Sen. John McCain blamed the federal government for thepassages of the bill, saying that the frustration that led to itwas justifiable. "The fact is that our borders are broken. They arenot secure. It is a federal responsibility to secure our borders.It is not being done," McCain said on the Senate floor Monday,April 26, 2010.

The mounting frustration concerning the growing immigrationsituation along the border-states is approaching epidemicproportions. In addition, the American people need to be made awareof those individuals and or companies who hire undocumented workersin the first place. A short time ago Labor Finders Internationalproduced a compelling two-minute video titled "Hire Me",http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wr4t-enwaVg in order to bringawareness to black market labor and its effect on the economy. Theunscripted video highlights workers, some born in this country,others are legal immigrants; but the common bond shared is thateach person is legal to work in the United States and each paystheir taxes.