
Labor Finders/LF Staffing Announces Dwayne Barnes as Their Employee of the Year: A Man with a Message

August 09, 2013

CONTACT: Celina Klee
Labor Finders International, Inc.

  • Labor Finders: Employee of the Year Dwayne Barnes
  • Labor Finders: Winner ofInavero'sBest of StaffingFour Years InA Row
  • Labor Finders: Rated Significantly Higher Than The IndustryAverage
  • Labor Finders: Respect, Appreciation and Safety

Columbus, GA-Labor Finders and LF Staffing isproud to announce this years' Labor Finders/LF Staffing Employee ofthe Year (EOY) Award winner…Dwayne Barnes.  Mr. Barnes hasbeen an employee through the Columbus, Georgia Labor Finders officefor almost 10 years.  Mr. Barnes is THE most requestedemployee from repeat clients and has held the most supervisorypositions with our clients on almost all long-termassignments.  His strong work ethic along with his dedicationand loyalty is a testament to his demand as a temporaryemployee.

Mr. Barnes lives with his parents to assist them economicallyand physically. His father has had severe medical issues andthroughout those trying times, Mr. Barnes has never missed a day ofwork during this extremely trying ordeal. If that were not enough,around six years ago, Mr. Barnes son was born with alife-threatening disease and would need a liver transplant. Mr.Barnes spent the first two years traveling back and forth fromColumbus, GA to Atlanta, GA trying to get the necessary medicaltreatment for his young son.  Once his son received thetransplant all went well for several months until his frail bodystarted to reject the liver. Again, for around one-year Mr. Barnestraveled to and from Atlanta while his son was getting medicaltreatment for his upcoming second liver transplant. Dwayne Barnes,the dedicated Labor Finders employee and truly dedicated fatherscheduled all of these medical appointments around his workschedule so he NEVER missed a day of work. Now, his son is awell-behaved six-year-old who always has a smile on his face-justlike his dad. However, the family is not out of the woods, justrecently Mr. Barnes's little boy suffered another setback…his bodyrejected the second liver transplant and is now waiting on athird.  Hopefully, for this family, three-times will be thecharm.

From one of Mr. Barnes' long-term assignments, the client wrotea recommendation letter for him stating, "I could leave Dwayne incharge of a group of 5 or more laborers with a list of tasks and hewould always complete the assignment on time.  Dwayne wasalways at work on time-even when we would work 21-days straight for10 or more hours a day. Dwayne's' work included: daily cleaning ofthe construction site, assisting in keeping sub-contractorscomplying with OSHA safety regulations, among other duties. I wouldrecommend Dwayne … both his knowledge and reliability isoutstanding."  According to Branch Manager Christy Coleman, ofthe Labor Finders Columbus, Georgia office, "As the lead supervisoron the assignment, he would try to mentor any employee that mightbe struggling.  Mr. Barnes is always quick to lend a hand oran ear to anyone."

Back in July of 2013, a long-time Labor Finders client was soimpressed with Mr. Barnes that they hired him to a full-timeposition.

When asked if he could share some of his wisdom to maintainingexcellent work ethic, Mr. Barnes clearly stated, "That iseasy, when you get a job, work-work hard and well-give youremployer everything that they need and then some and finally, pullyour pants up-I don't want to see your drawers."  Clearly, Mr.Barnes is a man with a message and a sense of humor.

At the EOY awards ceremony and party, on August 8, Mr. Barnes,surrounded by family, friends, co-workers and staff from the LaborFinders Columbus office along with franchisee owners Robert and WesDeck who presented Mr. Barnes with an engraved plaque and a checkfor $1,000.00.  Mr. Barnes exemplifies all the traits of anoutstanding Labor Finders associate. Now, he can add the title ofEmployee of the Year 2013!