
Staffing Talk » SB 2040 Tightens The Belt On Immigration Laws

February 05, 2013

Written by Regan Kohler
May 4, 2011

The passage of a Senate bill Wednesday, May 4, could mean severepenalties to staffing agencies hiring illegal immigrants.

SB 2040, a response to the Senate's immigrant overhaullegislation, was brought before the Florida Senate lateTuesday.

There were three amendments to the legislation, one of which woulddivest staffing agencies of their occupational licenses should theyhire illegal immigrants.

The other amendments include a $5,000 fine for every illegalimmigrant over five a company hires, and would preclude localgovernments who hired these immigrants from getting publiccontracts.

The bill was submitted in March and modeled after Arizona'sLegislation. It mandates that career center staff "verify theemployment eligibility of workers referred to employers using afederal program for electronic verification of[eligibility]."

Agencies are also prohibited from providing benefits to certainaliens, which also requires verification.
Another proposed amendment that failed at Senate level would haverequired all state agencies to use E-Verify, an online system thatallows employers to determine whether or not a candidate iseligible for U.S. employment. Any employer found hiringundocumented immigrants would face a fine.

In what was considered a surprising vote, the Senate approved SB2040 by 23-16.The bill must pass the House, which requirestwo-thirds approval from the chamber.The odds are stacking upagainst the House passing SB 2040. It is late in the annuallawmaking session, not to mention the opposition the bill has facedfrom the Democrats and legislative Hispanic and black caucuses. Thebill has been referred to as "draconian," as anti-immigration lawgroups feel it supports racial profiling and harassment.

Florida's Hispanic Legislative Caucus Chair Rene Garcia said in apress release issued Tuesday, "The Hispanic Caucus does not supportArizona-type legislation that has the strong potential of profilinga certain group of individuals and provides for warrantlessarrests."

Are staffing firms aware of this potential new law? Celina Klee,public relations manager for Labor Finders International, toldStaffing Talk her executives weren't familiar with SB 2040, thoughstaffing services are not required to register in Florida.
Tagged as: E-Verify, Florida Senate, Hispanic Legislative Caucus,Immigration, Senate Bill 2040, Staffing