Event staffers, the workers behind the scenes at your favorite venues and banquet halls, handle everything from set-up to security. If you're looking to get into event jobs, you'll need these seven skills to not only help you get a job in events but also build a great career in this industry. 

Strong Communication

Coordinating with fellow staff, tending to event guests, and taking requests—it’s essential to have strong communication skills as an event staffer. In order to meet goals and put on a successful event, everyone has to be clear about what needs to be done while delivering superior customer service. Part of this skill is being a good listener so you can meet the needs of your peers and the people you’re servicing.

Can Multi-Task

No matter what event you’re working on, you can count on it being a hectic workday. So many things need attention (many times all at once) and it’s your job to keep up with it all. Event staffers need to be able to handle the fast-paced nature of the job. Being able to multi-task effectively and complete all of your duties is a key skill to have in this line of work.

Can Work Under Pressure

Another skill you should have as an event staffer is the ability to work under pressure. It’s one thing to multi-task but quite another to be able to do so quickly and correctly, especially if a problem arises. If you can keep your cool and get the job done, you’ll be the event worker everyone wants to hire.


Event staffers need to be flexible in two ways. First, they must be flexible with their work hours. Unlike office professionals, the event-planning world does not run from 9 to 5, Monday through Friday. If you choose to work in this field, expect to work all sorts of hours, including nights and weekends. You must also be flexible with how you work. Often times you may have to quickly drop one task to work on something else so you have to be ready and willing to switch gears at any time.

Physically Fit

From carrying food trays to setting up stages, you must be in great shape to be an event staffer. You’ll get a space ready for an event and take everything down once it’s all over. In between those times, you’ll be running errands and restocking tables as needed. You can even expect to be on your feet during an entire event.

Great Personality

Because the hospitality industry requires constant interaction with people, having a great personality goes a long way. People may not remember what you did for them, but they will remember how you made them feel. Give your coworkers and event attendees a pleasurable experience, and you’ll be remembered (and hired again!). Being positive, helpful, and outgoing are skills every successful event staffer should have.

Highly Organized

Part of setting up and taking down an event is taking inventory of all the equipment, materials, decorations, etc. This is where it pays to be organized. Keeping track of everything brought into a space and accounting for it at the end are important tasks that must be done right.


If you have the skills to be an events worker, we want to help you get hired! Click here to connect with your local branch so they can help you find event jobs near you! 

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