Social media isn’t just for catching up with friends or sharing funny GIFs and memes. It can be the difference between landing a great job and not getting hired. Here’s what you need to know when it comes to social media and your job search.

  1. Just in case you aren’t sold on the idea of cleaning up your social media profiles before starting a job search, here are three big reasons why you should.
  1. Your social media profiles can be a huge help in your job search. Here’s how.
  1. Don’t let your Facebook posts and tweets cost you a great job by making these big mistakes.
  1. Ready to clean up your social media presence? Here are ten things you need to do right now.
  1. Make sure all your social media profiles have this information.

We also have an awesome free e-guide to using social media in your job search.


Are you ready for more tips like these? Click here now to get all the information you need to get back to work.


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