A job interview is the opportunity to make a great first impression on a staffing manager. That's why you don't want to make the following five mistakes so you don't blow your chances of landing a job.

Being Unenthusiastic

Employers are not only looking for people who know how to do the job that they’re hiring for but those who have a great attitude. The time to show off that soft skill is at the interview. If you come off as unenthusiastic, it can make a recruiter less inclined to hire you. What are some specific mistakes that fall into this category? Having a weak handshake, not smiling or making eye contact, as well as periodically checking your phone are actions that can make you appear uninterested in the recruiter and the job opportunity. So make sure you have a positive attitude, put the phone away, and engage with the staffing manager throughout the interview.

Appearing Desperate for the Job

While having a great attitude is important, you don’t want to come off as desperate for the job. It may be true that you really need the job you’re applying for but it’s important to be professional. Begging the recruiter to hire you just because you need it is not the right approach. Instead, showcase how your experience and skills are a good fit for the job. Sell yourself on what you can do for the employer and their company. If you aren’t sure if you’re coming off as desperate, take a look at your staffing manager’s non-verbal signals. If he/she is reacting negatively to what you’re saying you may want to take a breather and begin again.

Talking Too Much

Another mistake you don’t want to make at a job interview is to talk too much. You don’t want to take over the meeting or miss any pertinent information a staffing manager gives you. Over sharing can be a big problem if you spend too much time answering a question. Interviews aren’t the time to talk about things other than what is pertinent to the question being asked. A great way to keep that from happening is to practice answering the common questions that are normally asked beforehand.

Being Unprepared

You can have the greatest attitude and know how to answer interview questions perfectly, but if you come to the meeting unprepared it can undo all of that. Being prepared is much more than bringing in copies of a resume and any other paperwork a recruiter asked for. You need to know the job description inside and out as well know a bit about the company you want to work for. Having this information will help you better answer questions and show your interest in the job.

Having No Questions for the Interviewer

Part of being prepared for an interview is having questions for the staffing manager at the end of the meeting. You want to walk away from the interview with all the information you need to make a decision as to whether you want to work there or not. It also goes back to the first point of being interested in the position. If you don’t have any questions it may come off to the recruiter that you aren’t interested in knowing anything else about the position or the company. Are you ready to find your next work opportunity? Click here now to get all the tips and tricks you need to get back to work. RSW Call to Action 11

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