Navigating the job search maze can be like trying to solve a puzzle blindfolded—tricky and sometimes, full of unseen pitfalls. But fear not, because mastering the art of job hunting is all about avoiding common mistakes. This guide unveils five glaring job search blunders you need to steer clear of so you can successfully find a job.

Misspellings On Your Resume

Many times a hiring manager will see your resume before they meet you in person so making a good impression is crucial. Even if you’ve included all the necessary information about your skills and made it easy to read, if it’s full of misspellings you can kill your chances of ever being called for a job. So before you hit send, proofread your resume for any spelling mistakes. Giving it to a friend who can review it with a fresh set of eyes is also a great idea.

Having the Wrong Contact Information

Part of reviewing your resume is making sure you have the correct contact information listed. Whether you’ve moved since the last time you put the resume together, have a new phone number or email address, make sure the contact information a recruiter has is current. The last thing you want to happen is a job offer to bounce back because of a bad email or a recruiter to move onto another candidate because a number is disconnected.

Being Late

This mistake applies to many aspects of your job search. If a job assignment requires turning in specific paperwork don’t be late submitting it. The sooner you can get a staffing manager what he needs, the faster he can get you a job placement. For appointments with recruiters to formal interviews, you also want to be on time. Being late shows a potential employer that you don’t respect their time, you’re unprofessional and unreliable (which are common reasons for them not to hire you in the first place).

Sticking to One Method for a Job Search

Companies broadcast their job openings using different methods from traditional job boards to social media. If you only search for jobs on a jobs site, you may miss out on another opportunity being posted on an employer’s Facebook Page. Sometimes jobs are only broadcast in LinkedIn groups so if you’re only relying on newspaper ads to look for jobs you won’t know about it. Instead, use different methods and online channels for your job search so you’ll have all of you bases covered.

Doing it Alone

If your job search has left you frustrated and discouraged, don’t make the mistake of continuing to go about looking for a job alone. Network with past co-workers and supervisors and let them know you’re looking. They can keep an eye out for any job openings that would a great fit for you. You can also enlist the services of a staffing agency whose primary focus to get people like you back to work as soon as possible.

If you’re looking for your next day gig, Labor Finders has you covered! Click here to connect with your local branch today.

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