How a Construction Company Kept Their Production Schedule on Track

About the Company

A family-owned construction company in Alabama specializes in manufacturing wall panels, roof trusses, and floors. It has been in business since 1954. The company came to Labor Finders because it was having difficulty finding and retaining skilled and unskilled workers.  

Our Staffing Solution* 

For unskilled positions, we had associates who were vetted and ready to work immediately. For more skilled positions like carpenters and forklift drivers, we regularly visited the resumes we had on file to send to their job site. We augmented our regular recruiting efforts by utilizing our dedicated branch's Facebook page and Indeed to find even more skilled workers who fit our staffing partner's job requirements. 

Because we offer 24-hour customer service, our staffing partner can reach out to us at any time. If a worker doesn't show up or is out sick, they can call us on our personal numbers so we can send a replacement. If there is an issue on the job site, we drive there as soon as possible to address it.  

Challenges We Overcame Together* 

We found a high turnover rate for the associates we sent to this business. As a result, we raised the pay rates and doubled down on finding quality staff. Our client and now staffing partner agreed to hire people on work release, allowing us to provide even more dependable, hardworking associates.  

Our Staffing Partner's Results 

Our manufacturing staffing partner was able to stay on schedule, meeting the demands and deadlines for their construction projects. They were impressed with the associates we sent to work for them as they showed up for work prepared and knowledgeable about their positions. A few of our associates have been working with this staffing partner for over ten years. Because of our partnership, we’ve worked with this company for nineteen years (and counting!) 




*Staffing solutions and how staffing challenges were handled vary from branch to branch. Reach out to your local branch to learn how they can offer you personalized staffing services.


Temporary Workers
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