How an Excavation Company Found a Cost-Effective Way to Recruit Truck Drivers

About This Business 

A family-owned excavation company in Las Vegas. It has been in business since 2006. The company came to Labor Finders Las Vegas to staff skilled drivers cost-effectively. 

Our Staffing Solution* 

We augmented our regular recruiting efforts by posting this specific role on portals like Craigslist to bring in more qualified candidates into our screening process. Because the company needed even more drivers, we expanded our third party searches to more online platforms like Indeed and ZipRecruiter, as well as social media platforms like Facebook. Because we developed a great relationship with the excavation company, we were clear about what type of drivers they needed as we screened applicants and were able to recruit them quickly.  

The excavation company also felt confident in enlisting our help to find drivers to replace their permanent staff. We made it easy to work with us and fulfill their recruiting needs.  

Challenges We Overcame Together* 

The challenge we experienced with filling the driver positions with the excavation company was finding long-term drivers. Being a truck driver requires working long hours and a lot of physical stamina, which wasn’t attractive to a large pool of workers. However, we persisted, doubling down on our staffing solution to find the drivers the company needed to run its business smoothly.  

The Excavating Company’s Results 

The excavation company continues to thrive in Las Vegas and surrounding areas because of the qualified drivers we’ve placed with them. We still have five associates working with this company, and we’re currently recruiting a sixth. We’ve been their staffing partner for 19 years. 



*Staffing solutions and how staffing challenges were handled vary from branch to branch. Reach out to your local branch to learn how they can offer you personalized staffing services. 


Skilled Workers
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