Labor Finders President and CEO Jeffrey Burnett Discusses the Staffing Industry During the On-Going Recession on Fox Business Network
CONTACT: Celina Klee
Labor Finders International, Inc.
Palm Beach Gardens, FL-Jeffrey Burnett, president
and CEO of Labor Finders International, was invited on November 7th
to discuss the October 2008 job loss report and the effects upon
the temporary staffing industry on Fox Business Network's Money for
Breakfast show.
Mr. Burnett discussed with show-host Alexis Glick several issues
relevant to temporary staffing, including the state of the staffing
industry during the on-going recession along with how the temporary
labor market is a leading economic indicator, "We are first to be
hired and the first to fired," stated Mr. Burnett. Mr.
Burnett went on to say, "Temporary help is the most cyclical
industry of the economy and since Labor Finders' niche is
unskilled, blue collar workers; when the economy does kick in we
will be the first to feel it."
Labor Finders International, a franchise company, is the country's
oldest and largest privately held industrial labor staffing
company. As Labor Finders approaches the opening of its 300th
office, the company is poised to continue with its 33-year
tradition of leadership as the country's top name and resource in
the business of temporary industrial staffing.
For more information or to schedule an interview with Mr. Jeffrey
Burnett please contact Celina Klee, the public relations manager
for Labor Finders International at 561- 273-8226 or by email at