Gearing up for an interview with a temp staffing agency? These are the five things you need to know to make a great impression and land your next job assignment:

  1. Not sure if you should cover up your tattoos or take out piercings for a temp staffing agency interview? The answer may not be what you thought it was.
  2. When an interview question has you completely stumped, don’t let it throw off your game. Do this instead.
  3. It’s true that you should be yourself in a temp staffing agency interview but the key to possibly landing that job is being your best self.
  4. Don’t be nervous ahead of your temp staffing agency interview. Just employ one of these tactics so you are calm, cool, and collected for the big day.
  5. As you prepare your interview questions, make sure at least one of these make the list.

Are you ready for more career tips like these? Click here now to get all the information you need to get back to work.

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